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The New Home Experience
When does service start?
Corporate worship begins at 10a.
The Christian Education hour, systematic study of the Bible for adults is at 8:45a via conference call.
What should I expect when I arrive?
Parking-come about 10 minutes early to find parking; parking attendants will assist you once you arrive to the campus. We have guest parking just for you located right next to building!
Watch this instructional video about our current COVID protocols here. Once in the main foyer, you will find greeters and ushers to assist you with directions to the restrooms, and sanctuary.
What should I wear?
You'll find everything from casual wear to those who have suits and ties at our weekend services. Come in what is comfortable to you, because New Home isn't about what you look like or what you wear.
Where should I take my children?
We have caring and compassionate teaching and activities designed just for your children! For ages K4-7th grade, Children's church meets every 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday of the month. Currently, our nursery is closed, but they are welcome to share in the corporate worship experience.
What are services like?
There is no place like New Home! Our services are filled with corporate worship, praise, prayer, and preaching, mostly by our Pastor.
There are four ways to become a member of New Home: by Baptism, Christian Experience (joining after being baptized at another like-faith congregation), Letter (from another Baptist church), and Watch Care (affiliation while away from your home congregation (i.e. college students, temporary work assignment)). Fill out a connect card to get started!
You can also join by:
- During the "Invitation to Discipleship" following the sermon or text "Join" and your name to 256-392-6180.
- Receiving Christ and be Baptized (non-Christians). To start this process, text "Jesus" and your name to 256-392-6180.
- Attend and complete new membership orientation (when announced and offered).
Don't fret! If you choose to make a decision after the invitation period, it's not too late! See an associate minister or deacon after worship service, text "Join" ad your name to 256-392-6180, or join us at the next New Membership Orientation!
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